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Berry Creek Rancheria's August 2022 Newsletter

There are lots of upcoming events in the community! Add them to your calendar via our tribal calendar, linked below.

General Council Meeting: Saturday September 17th at 10am in the Gold Country Casino Conference Room

General Welfare Distribution: August 15th from 7am-5pm at the Tribal Office

UPCOMING: Tribal Elections!

Want to run for tribal council? This year, the positions of Chairman and Secretary are up for reelection! If you want to run you MUST turn in a Notice of Intent.

DEADLINE: Notice of Intent MUST be received by the close of business August 30th in accordance with the Election Ordinance. If August 30th falls on Saturday or Sunday, the last day to submit a Notice of Intent will be on the close of business on the proceeding Friday.

Back to School Backpack Distribution!

Back to school....ALREADY?! Swing by the Tribal Gym on August 4th from 10am-2pm to pick up a new backpack for the school year.

Education Promotions, July 2022

Congrats to all Berry Creek Rancheria students who received good grades, attendance, or got promoted!

Blake Friese- B.A. Degree, Criminology and Criminal Justice

Adam Saleh- Good grades, promo to 8th grade!

Arissa Saleh- 3.3 GPA, promo to 9th grade!

Bryant Lopez- Good grades, promo to 5th grade!

David Allan- Good grades!

Demus Lopez- Esperanza High Diploma!

Drake Edwards- 3.33 GPA, positive mentor and promo to 12th grade!

Helen Masters- Great job and promo to 1st grade!

Janai Johnson- Advanced grades and promo to 6th grade!

Justice Sandoval- 4.0 GPA, 100% attendance, promot to 9th grade!

Logan Allen- 3.75 GPA & McQueen High School diploma!

Phillip Lopez- Good grades and promo to 5th grade!

Raiden Lopez Marquez- 3.4 GPA and promo to 7th grade!

Saige Parcher- Super job and promo to 1st grade!

Sara Saleh- 3.8 GPA and promo to 11th grade!

Merwa Saleh-3.33 GPA and promo to 12th grade!

Nathaniel Sargent- LPHS High Schoo diploma!

Sarah Saleh- 3.8 GPA and promo to 11th grade!

Tsuumai Duncan-Advanced grades and promo to 1st grade!

Wyatt Allan- 3.14 GPS and promo to 7th grade!

Yamahni Duncan- 4.0 GPA and 100% attendance, positive mentor, and promo to 11th grade!

Congrats to our tribal members who recently became California Tribal Naturalists!

Angela Tout

Crystal Brown

Magan Murrell

Monica Walker

August Birthdays:


Helena Aviles

Dylan Brown

Laina Brown

Drake Edwards

Isaac Horn

Kaitlyn Horn

Bobby Mayhew II

Nila Nunes

Giovonii Ramirez

Arissa Saleh

Richard Steele

Samuel Whaley

Aylani Almodova

Jamami Chavira-Steele

Ashlynn Engeseth

Remington Steele Jr.


Loren Allen Jr.

Diana Berry

Phillip Bolton

George Chae

Sherry Chase

Robert Chavira-Steele

James Edwards

Lance Edwards

Felicia Garcia

Norine Garcia

Kathleen Jay

Dalan Johnson

Brittany Jones-Lyle

Miranda Knight

Ashley Lang

Makala Telleria

Trina Thayer

Cogan Wagner

Sharon Wagner

Donald Williams Jr.

Dallas Williams

Ryan Woodson

Rachelle Young

Jessica Youngblood

David Mayher-Logan Jr.

Fritz Meyers

Saundra Mitrovich

Immanuel Mix

Christopher Masters

Corey Martin

Matthew Mix Catron

Shyann Parent

Christine Rodriguez

Sadie Saleh

Anissa Sanchez

Ysenia Sanchez

Ariana Sandusky

Samuel Sandusky Allen Jr.

Maida Smith

Jese Sossaman

Tiffany St Cyr

Elliott Steele

Latasha Steele

Louis Steele

Corina Stubbe

Pedro Telleria Sr.

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